Heather's Home Ministries
Heather's Home Orphanage in Haiti was founded in November 2009. With the help of many amazing fellow believers around the world, we have been able to provide food, shelter, education, and God's love to a beautiful group of children.
In 2018 the vision of providing this type of home to other children around the world became a reality. Our second home is in Ghana, and our name changed to better fit our vision from the Lord: Heather's Home Ministries.
Our desire is to take those children from the jaws of hopelessness and poverty and lavish upon them all the joy, love, and prosperity that we enjoy in our own home. We are not interested in owning a warehouse where children’s basic needs are merely provided for--we are building a home where children will be loved, nurtured, fathered and mothered.
With all of life’s trials and challenges, the last thing a person could ever regret doing is taking up the cause of some homeless and orphaned children. We invite you to get involved and make this home YOUR home; make these children YOUR children. We are confident that you will discover what we have experienced--that your involvement with these precious kids will only further enrich your life.
Learn more about this ministries, and if you have any questions or would like to be added to our mailing list, please do so. And thanks for dropping by!

Amount Needed Per Month to Support the Children
Volunteers Who Have Served On Missions To Haiti and Ghana
Children Rescued from Poverty and Despair
Homes Yet to Be Established

We need volunteers for our HH5K, marketing, publicity, and more.